Writing Updates for 2020

Happy Leap Day, everyone! I”m back after a long hiatus.  I was inspired to update this page after a speaker came to our writing group  called Saturday Writers speaking about marketing through social media. My book is nowhere near done but I think it’s wise to have a presence online, interacting with all of you as I go through the writing process with it and my other projects.

I’m finishing up with worldbuilding with Sands of Chaos. I will start character work and outlining on Monday. I will be working on outlining through the end of May. This will be my project for Camp Nanowrimo in April.  In June, I will begin to write the rough draft which I will work on through the end of August, including Camp Nanowrimo in July.

Also, last year, I won a short story contest that Saturday Writers had for children’s writing. I won with a young adult fantasy short story called Shadows of Her Father. It’s about a girl who finds out her father, the king,  is not who he seems. It will be in the Saturday Writers anthology titled The House that Writing Built which will be released sometime in March. Preordering will will open up soon online at http://saturdaywriters.org/2019-anthology-preorder.html.

Shadows of Her Father turned out to be the spark for another novel project which I will be writing for Nanowrimo in November called Kingdom of Shadows. I will be working on its worldbuilding and outlining in September and October respectively. This will be a busy writing year for me. Wish me luck.